Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Where Did May Go?

The notable things I did this month and completely neglected to blog about:

  • Sampled many a mead and cider at the World Expo of Beer in Frankenmuth, while my husband gladly used the bulk of the tickets for his many beers!
  • Went "cold sheep", so to speak, by not purchasing any yarn or sweaters to recycle into yarn for the entire month.
  • Made my husband go through his clothing and hand me anything ill-fitting, stained, worn, or simply unwanted, all for my nefarious crafting purposes.
  • Hit the local Goodwill with a vengeance, scoring seven new pieces of clothing for a mere $1 each on a tag sale day.  Five of them even fit!  One pair of jeans is slightly too small, which may be remedied as I try to exercise more this summer; the other is a skirt that I knew would be too big, which I can resize to fit.  Although I'm considering making it into a tube top instead, because...
  • ...I got myself a tattoo for my birthday!

 That's the skirt there being pressed into emergency tube top service with the help of a paper clip, as all my tank tops are strappy and would have run right over the freshly inked tattoo, which would have hurt!  Today, a week later, is the first day I could bear to have a strap over it, which means I've been wearing my racerback sports bra to work for a week, something I never want to have to do again.

I'm all in a fever for altered clothing now, I have barely bought myself any new clothing for years, aside from a new dress to wear to a wedding last summer.  I didn't know how much I missed it!  So my sewing skills will be put to good use this summer as I thrift and sew my way to a new wardrobe...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, isn't that the Dragon Age loading screen icon?
